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Organization of the Port & Harbor Bureau

Last updated date:2022/4/6

Country Code: 81, Area Code: (0)45
Address:6-50-10 Hon-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0005 Japan
Fax 671-7158
E-mail:[email protected]

organization of the port & harbor bureau
OrganizationTel Main Works
General Affairs DepartmentGeneral Affairs Division671-2880general affairs, personal affairs, labor
Accounting Division671-2882account settlement, collection of charges
Policy Coordination DepartmentPolicy Coordination Division671-7165port planning and total coordination, coordination of disaster prevention plan, environmental policy, international affairs, adjustment of national expenditure
Shin-Honmoku Project Development Division671-7390construction projects of Shin-Honmoku Pier,construction and improvement of final disposal site in Minami Honmoku Pier
Port Logistics DepartmentLogistics Planning Division671-2763logistics planning and logistics disaster prevention plan, coordination of construction projects of Minami-Honmoku Pier,
Logistics Management Division

Port statistics research :
Others :

port operation, port charges and charges schedule, promotion for shipping companies, port statistics research
Port Promotion DepartmentPort Promotion Division671-2888management and operation of port facilities for citizen, port promotion
Cruise Project Promotion Division671-7272cruise promotion, management and operation of cruise terminal
Port Development Promotion Division671-7320port promotion planning and disaster prevention plan for citizen, passenger terminal planning
Yamashita Pier Redevelopment Coordination OfficeYamashita Pier Redevelopment Coordination Division671-7312redevelopment project of Yamashita pier, land use in Shin-Yamashita area
Port and Harbor Management DepartmentProperty Administration Division671-7082port property management, port property lease and land sales, architecture regulations in port area, control and management of the “Yokohama Port Information Syste”
Facility Management Division671-7231management and operation of the port facilities, SOLAS convention
Port Waters Management Division671-7130permit construction in port area, measures against abandoned ships, reclamation license, coordination of incoming and outgoing vessels, pleasure-boats measures, port patrol
Construction and Maintenance DepartmentFirst Construction Division671-2879 design and supervision of construction, supervision of technique
Second Construction Division671-2875design and supervision of construction projects : Minami-Honmoku Pier and Shin-Honmoku Pier
Coastal Maintenance Division671-7200maintenance and repair of port equipment /facilities / architecture

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