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Sorted disposal & Collection
How to sort and put out your Garbage and Recyclables in Yokohama
Last updated date:2020/1/27
How to sort and put out your Garbage and Recyclables
This illustrated pamphlet outlines how to sort garbage, methods for discharging waste and other information.
中文 (Chinese),
한글 (Hangul),
Español (Spanish),
Português (Portuguese),
Tiếng việt nam (Vietnamese)
Go to the page of pamphlets & leaflets
This leaflet presents a summary of the information contained in the above pamphlet.
The center page features a list of classifications for sorting garbage along with details of collection days, making it suited for pinning up on walls etc.
中文 (Chinese),
한글 (Hangul),
Español (Spanish),
Português (Portuguese),
ภาษาไทย (Thai),
Tiếng việt nam (Vietnamese),
Français (French),
नेपाली (Nepali)
Go to the page of pamphlets & leaflets
Leaflet about used paper and plastics
For more details about separation of used paper and plastics. English (English/simple Japanese) (PDF:1,000KB)
Search service
Search service “Garbage Sorting Dictionary‘MIctionary’” (English / Chinese)
Information on how to sort garbage is displayed simply by entering the item concerned and clicking the search button.
- English version
- Chinese version
Smartphone application
Smartphone application “City of Yokohama Garbage Sorting Application” (English / Chinese)
You can use this application to search for keywords for sorting your garbage and add garbage collection days to the application’s internal calendar.
It is also a useful tool that contains a range of other information on sorting garbage.
Smartphone application “City of Yokohama Garbage Sorting Game” (English / Chinese)
Learn how to correctly sort your garbage by putting the garbage that appears on the screen in the correct boxes.
Challenge with your family and friends to see who can sort the most garbage!
Video about garbage separation
Video about the basic rules of sorting and putting out your garbage and recyclables (YouTube)
Page ID:797-560-088