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Administrative service corners(行政サービスコーナー)

Last updated date:2025/3/1

Things you can do at administrative service corners

- You can obtain certain documents at administrative service corners, such as copies of resident certificates, seal registration certificates, etc.
(List of certificates you can obtain)
- You can also obtain certificates on Saturdays and Sundays. (You cannot obtain certificates on national holidays)

Opening times, addresses and telephone numbers

Opening times

You can use administrative service corners during the following times on days except those contained on the list of closing days for administrative service corners.
- Weekdays (Monday to Friday): From 7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.
- Saturdays and Sundays: From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The office is closed on national holidays and from December 29 to January 3. Please check the administrative service corner page for other temporary closures.

Addresses and telephone numbers

Addresses and telephone numbers of administrative service corners
Name Address Telephone number
Tsurumi Station West Exit Tsurumi Station West Exit, in front of Fuga 1 (Seiyu) 045-586-0975
Yokohama Station Near Yokohama Station South Ticket Gate 045-453-2525
Kamiooka Station Inside Kamiooka Station (Yokohama Municipal Subway), in front of the ticket gate bound for the Bus Terminal 045-848-0171
Konandai 3rd floor of Konandai 214 Building, near JR Konandai Station 045-835-2664
Futamatagawa Station 5th floor of Joinus Terrace Futamatagawa, near Futamatagawa Station on the Sotetsu Line 045-366-6615
Shin-Yokohama Station Alongside the Station Office inside Shin-Yokohama Station (Yokohama Municipal Subway) 045-475-1301
Hiyoshi Station At the back of the commuter pass sales area at Tokyu Hiyoshi Station 045-565-0013
Azamino Station Inside Azamino Station on the Tokyu Den-en-toshi Line 045-903-8291
Totsuka 2nd floor of Totsuka Ward General Government Building, near JR Totsuka Station 045-862-6641
Higashi-Totsuka Station In front of the East Exit Bus Terminal, JR Higashi-Totsuka Station 045-825-4994

Certificates you can obtain

*You can make use of any of these administrative service corners, regardless of where you live.

How to obtain certificates and conditions for who can obtain certificates
Type of certificate Conditions for those obtaining certificates
- Copy of resident certificate
- Certificate of Items stated in resident register
- Seal registration certificate
People living in Yokohama City and their proxies
- Certificate of all registered matters on family register (Certificate of family register)
- Certificate of individual matters on family register (Certificate of partial family register)
- Copy of family register tag
- ID card
People whose registered domicile is in Yokohama City and their proxies
- Taxation certificates (or tax exemption certificates) for municipal residents' tax and prefectural residents' tax
- Taxation certificates for municipal tax
- Appraisal certificates (certificate of registered items in property tax ledger) (land and houses, for the current fiscal year)
People whose place of tax payment is Yokohama City and their proxies

Where to inquire
ContentContact details
About certificates for taxationTax Division, Taxation Department, Finance Bureau (*Inquiries in Japanese only)
Fax: 045-641-2775
Email: [email protected]
About certificates for family registration and administrative service cornersService Desk Division, Service Desk Department, Civic Affairs Bureau (*Inquiries in Japanese only)
Tel: 045-671-2176
Fax: 045-664-5295
Email: [email protected]

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Page ID:484-021-791