- Top page
- Language
- For Residents(横浜に住んでいる人)
- English
- Child Rearing and Education(子育て・教育)
Main content starts here.
Child Rearing and Education(子育て・教育)
- From pregnancy to childbirth(妊娠から出産まで)
- Procedures and lump-sum allowance following childbirth(出産後の手続き・一時金)
- Post-childbirth home visits and allowances(出産後の訪問・手当)
- Health checkups for infants(乳幼児健康診査)
- Vaccinations for children(子どもの予防接種について)
- Child-rearing and health consultations for women(子育てや女性の健康について相談する)
- Consultations about child-rearing(子育てについて相談する)
- Local child rearing support centers(地域子育て支援拠点)
- Child-rearing support facilities(子育て支援施設)
- Temporary childcare services(乳幼児を一時的に預ける)
- Childcare for children who are sick or recovering from illness(病気中・病気の回復期のこどもを預ける)
- List of childcare for sick children childcare for children recovering from illness service providers(病児・病後児保育一覧)
- Daycare services for children of preschool age (nursery facilities and kindergartens)(乳幼児を預ける(保育所・幼稚園))
- Free preschool education and childcare(幼児教育・保育の無償化)
- Start-of-elementary-school health checkup(就学時健康診断)
- School life(学校生活)
- Subsidies and other financial support(補助金などの支援)
- Places where elementary children can play and spend time after school(小学生が放課後に遊ぶ場所・生活する場所)
- Education for children with special needs(特別な支援が必要なお子さんの教育)
- Support for single parent families(ひとり親家庭への支援)
- Plan for Measures Against Child Poverty in Yokohama(横浜市子どもの貧困対策に関する計画)
- The Fourth Yokohama Basic Plan for the Promotion of Education(第4期横浜市教育振興基本計画)
- Disaster Preparedness and Emergencies(防災・救急)
- Notifications and Applications(届出・申請)
- Insurance and Pension(保険・年金)
- Taxes(税)
- Child Rearing and Education(子育て・教育)
- Health and Welfare(健康・福祉)
- Garbage and Recycling(ごみ・リサイクル)
- Daily Life(暮らし)
- Municipal Transportation(市営交通)
- Consultations and Support(相談・支援)
- Yokohama City Hall and Ward Offices(市役所・区役所)
- About the City of Yokohama(横浜市について)
Page ID:928-121-963