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HIV and syphilis tests(HIV・梅毒検査について)

Last updated date:2025/3/1

In Yokohama, HIV and syphilis tests (free of charge and anonymous) are carried out at ward health and welfare centers and other locations.

・Please see the list of test centers to find out when and where you can take a test, how to book an appointment, and other details.
・Please confirm your appointment by phone or other means, as there may be cases when testing is cancelled.
・In principle, ward health and welfare centers inform persons who took a test of their results directly, between 1-2 weeks after the test.
・Saturday, Sunday, and night clinics inform persons who took a test of their results directly, on the day of the test.
・See here for more details. ⇒ List of test centers, overview of tests, notices, etc.(Japanese)(PDF:224KB)


・Ward health and welfare centers and night clinics carry out HIV/syphilis tests. They do not offer tests for syphilis only.
・Only same-day HIV tests are available at Saturday and Sunday clinics.
・HIV tests may not give an accurate result unless 3 months or more has passed since the occasion when the possible infection occurred, or 6 weeks in the case of syphilis.
・Test centers cannot issue certificates.
・Test results are shared directly in person with the individual concerned. (Notification of test results cannot be made over the phone, by post, by email, etc.)
・Test results are confidential and will not be revealed to anyone else.
・Testing may be cancelled due to outbreaks of infectious diseases, inclement weather, etc.
・Please refrain from coming if you have a fever, cough, or feel unwell.

Where to inquire
Content Contact details
HIV/syphilis tests Health Safety Division, Medical Care Bureau (*Inquiries in Japanese only)
Tel: 045-671-2729
Fax: 045-664-7296
Email: [email protected]

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